As real in the rear as it gets
18 October 2017
I took my mother to see this film so that she may understand through a movie what I could not share with her verbally but what she has witnessed physically with me. This is not a war movie but a film of what war does to you and how it affects you after you are no longer in physical war but your mind stays in mental war and no one understands ( EMPATHY) except those there with you. After 3 combat tours I identified with things that went over a lot of peoples heads but the movie moved me and Dream Works did a spot on job with what we with PTS go through and why its so hard to deal with and maybe if everyone saw this film they could see the inner turmoil a soldier, a marine, a airman, and a seaman goes through after experiencing physical and mental trauma. Thank You for your service hits on all aspects from the ptsd sufferer to the spouses and all around them. this is a must see to spread compassion to all who served.
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