the loud house is a good show it's not one of the best nickelodeon shows ever but it's still a good show it's about lincoin and his 10 sisters doing crazy stuff inside the house they don't go on adventures but the loud house is a pretty good show i'm not saying that the show is terrible but the show is good in my book the plot is good the animation looks like peanuts and the characters can get pretty annoying sometimes when lincoin talks to the viewers about his life your something that gets annoying in every episode i heard there making a loud house movie in year 2020 which i'm not exitced about the loud house is not my favorite show but it's not gonna be popular then spongebob spongebob is my favourite nickelodeon show ever spongebob is the mascot of nickelodeon well exactly spongebob is the mascot of all cartoons out there so i do not know if lincoin loud can be the mascot of nickelodeon or the mascot of cartoons but i don't know the loud house came out last year and a lot of people like it i like it but it's not my favorite show of all time so i will give the loud house a 7/10 because the show is good so nickelodeon is doing good right now but nickelodeon is not gonna be good in 2018 because there making a crappy show called pinky malinky in 2018 so pinky malinky will be terrible