Good cinematography but bad ideology
13 January 2018
This is a good movie on the fate of veterans of current wars. Good cinematography, but let's remember the Nazis had good cinematography in some of their sinister progaganda films.

This is one more film with pseudo patriotic messages and hypocritical wailing over the fate of the "people who go to war". It's not the "people". Career officers are not affected by PTSD. Those affected are lower class enlisted men and women who, with or without patriotism, find going to war the best available option. Ill prepared (many with pre existing mental problems), ill trained and exposed to the most vulnerable situations, they find that "option" sometimes is just one more step in a downward spiral.

The answer is dealing in a rational and humane manner with all aspects: assessing the real cost of engaging in war, careful selection of recruits for different kind of duties and adequate aid to veterans. These are the real issues that these films carefully sidestep.
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