OMG - A must watch
20 April 2018
I actually didn't realize how much of a patriarchal society we live in until the tables were turned entirely like in this film. This is the first time I've come into rate a movie on iMDb as I was so shocked on many accounts watching this movie. It makes you think how much women have adjusted their behavior, acted accordingly in order to live in a male-dominated society. By seeing women act horribly, but actually very similarly to men in today's society, it re-emphasizes how men still dominate the society we live in today. (Then again not all men are horrible, but some men think it's okay to act in a certain way because they are men.) I think about how I have been conditioned to act a certain way in order to fit into an order that has already been set largely by men. I think about all the men (and women) who enforce certain stereotypes on women. I think about how many rules I have to follow because I am a woman. Anyways, really recommend watching it with both men and women!
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