What do you do with a problem like Alice?
25 January 2021
Alice is a 12 year old brat with a real mean streak...she bullies her younger sister (an 11 year old Brooke Shields) and terrorizes a reclusive neighbor. When her sister is murdered in church everyone begins to wonder if she's crossed the line from a tiny terror to a psychotic.

It's the simplicity of the story and near perfect execution that made this a cult classic. It's got ambiance, a wonderful accompanying score, creative camera work (although a little too much of people looking directly into the camera). Paula Sheppard shines as Alice and sometimes just the look on her face gives you the feeling she's thinking up new ways to traumatize people. It's got great subtext with sibling rivalry, children coping with divorced parents and religious faith. Some of the editing feels a bit stiff and some of the acting is subpar but in a story like this it can add a bit to the 'creepy' factor.

I think this is one of those movies that gets a little better with age. 6.5 in 1976 7.5 in 2021
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