JAG: War Stories (1999)
Season 4, Episode 13
Fantasy and reality collide
26 February 2021
Whilst the main team prosecute the aftermath of a SeAL rescue mission in Kosovo, the Admiral uses up his vacation time and finds himself advising a TV production company.

We learn that the SECNAV has nicknamed Harm as "Harmful Rabb". Harm seeks the Admiral's advice on a "political" problem late in the evening and seriously upsets the Admiral's plans for the rest of the night.

"A phone call would have sufficed".

Mac mixes it up with a two-star on the stand. Bud bumbles his way to a satisfactory outcome.. Bud stands up for what is right - and keeps on digging for exculpatory evidence. Eventually he receives high praise.

Then Bud and Harriett choose the name(s) for their upcoming son.
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