Style Over Substance
14 January 2022
I have to say Im beginning having trouble distinguishing between these artsy films the last couple of years because so many use the same portrayal and cinematography. Bleak, minimalistic scenes, often used black/white portrayals, filled with "symbolism" and "methaphores" that are either so plain and on the nose its sad or only understood by the creator.

Also the actors all acting with their emotions on 11, with it all being depressing seems to draw praises and Oscars like the best of baits. Never mind the dreary, long and uninspired monologues (or dialogues if "lucky").

Doesnt anyone have any original ideas anymore? Cant you portray Macbeth in a new, original light and add something new to it, shape it into a form(format we havent seen yet, make it appealing to newer and/or younger audiences. Make it entertaining, informative, moral and multilayered.

Always making these dark, minimalistic and overboard in every aspects productions has gotten beyond boring, bland and a work to get through.

Cinema should be inviting, exploring, adventerous, imaginative, new... This is NOT that, not by a long shot, it is a deja-vu of numerous productions past.
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