Review of I Came By

I Came By (2022)
Not all bad
13 September 2022
Netflix has produced a better sort of film with I Came By. The strength of this film lies in its performances. Hugh Bonneville is terrifying and dangerous in this film. He easily transforms from the prim and proper characters he has played so well to a scary figure. The direction is not too bad. The scary music in key scenes and close ups and various camera angles sets a terrifying setting. We get this impression from the start of the film. I liked how the film was somewhat realistic as well. It would have been unrealistic and fan service to show all the main characters were alive in the end. If a person was in a situation with such a careful, paranoid and dangerous person, do you think they would be kept around? The film does not make that mistake and we see the main characters disappear because they were not prepared enough. I feel the storyline could have been stronger. Maybe there could have been a deeper motive for the retired Judge's behaviour? Why did they not explain his sociopathic tendencies for trapping and/or killing people? I feel they could have explained who the man he trapped was and why he was kept alive? These are just the gaps they could fleshed out to make a stronger thriller. Overall a captivating watch, I found it hard to put down and wanted to see how it ended. There was some form of justice but the realistic kind you could imagine in real life.
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