Tarantino made an amazing Collage with this movie. ⭐
2 March 2023
I can't explain why you like this movie so much. I don't know how rare this feeling comes to me. Actually this happens only for this movie. I don't know how can I explain why I like this movie so much. I don't like that much Samurai movies, I don't like that much Gangster movies. I don't know how this movie effected me this much. Is it revenge? No it doesn't have the greatest Screenplay.

I really don't know why. If someone would say "This movie is so nonsense, they're in modern times, so why are they fighting with Katanas? At least for not dying they could use guns." I would agree and can't argue.

Tarantino made an amazing Collage with this movie. But the things is I wasn't familiar with those, at least not one by one. So that's also does'nt explains completely why I like this movie so much.

So it could be the technical aspects. Right?

Yes it could be but I don't know any other movie that I rated 10 without amazing storyline.

Revolutionary acting scenes could be the reason.

Or maybe just the brilliant chosen Scores carries the movie?

I don't know there are so many things that could be the reason. I think all of them effects the movie positively. It has simple but effective screenplay that based on revenge. It has great action scenes, great technical aspects, great scores. Most importantly it is the Collage of so many things. It's the only movie that brings you the taste of Western with Samurai movies and so many more. Still I can't say why I like this movie in one sentence but I think the biggest reason is the great Collage.
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