Review of Cellar Door

Cellar Door (2018)
Irish Drama
22 April 2023
Karen Hassan is Aidie, a young woman in 1950's ireland at a time when an unmarried Catholic woman was looked upon as a great sinner in need of rescue by the Holy Roman Church.

Through a series of flashbacks, we see Aidie repeating her life in an almost Groundhog Day style with choices being made to change the final outcome. It is all a bit confusing but it comes together in the last fifteen minutes or so.

Karen Hassan is beautiful and a wonderful actress who steals the film with her performance. A repeated church scene may offend some devout Catholics out there but they need to accept the fact that real women suffered terribly at the hands of clerics with good intentions.

My personal experience with an early Catholic school education has always remained a positive one.

I highly recommend this film.
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