Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
Larry David is a genius
13 August 2023
What can you say about Curb Your Enthusiasm that hasn't already been said? This doesn't have a laugh track and doesn't rely on corny one liners to make it funny. There will never be another Seinfeld but this comes awfully close. Every interaction, every conversation will make you laugh out loud. It's easily one of my all-time favorite comedies! It hooked me during season 1 and never let go. It has stayed ridiculously funny throughout its entire run and has been almost as good as Seinfeld (which is saying something because Seinfeld is also an all-time great). If you don't find this show funny then that's on you because it's freaking hilarious! Larry David is just a flat out genius, he's responsible for two of the funniest shows ever created in Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld!
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