Kaitlyn Dever shines in "Signs" meets "Home Alone"
22 September 2023
"No One Will Save You" is a home invasion film and also an alien invasion film that features much more than it may seem at first, let by a shining performance.

Starting off with the good in this movie by far is Kaitlyn Dever. She is outstanding in a role that basically requires no dialogue. She is able to put so much fear and emotion in her expression that truly made this one of her best performances. The camera work is also great. It moves so well and the directing is on point here with many great action scenes. The aliens themselves were pretty creepy and the CGI for them was actually pretty good. I liked the emotional core the film gave. It made me really appreciate it more. And finally the movie is really fast paced and it was a nice 90 minutes.

Now I do have some issues with this movie, mainly regarding the choice to have no dialogue. It works for the most part but it also left me having a hard time understanding what was going on at times. I felt the middle portion of the movie lost some steam from its great first act and action packed third act. And finally I felt that the ending left some unanswered questions about a certain choice that was made. Along with that the end did feel like it was stretched on for maybe 5 minutes longer than it should have been

Overall despite some issues, "No One Will Save You" is a pretty fun home invasion movie with standout lead performance.
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