Theft in the school system
31 December 2023
I honestly was not expecting to watch this German film that came out in this year in 2023, but I wanted to give it a chance, and the premise seemed simple enough; after watching the film, I will say that it is not for everyone, and that this movie does take its time when going over certain elements that are part of the main premise. The German film The Teachers' Lounge (2023) has good performances, nice looking cinematography, and a premise involving theft at a school that, when you are trying to be on the main character's side, you can get invested enough so you want to know what happens next; I was on the side of the main teacher, but also, it brings you on either side with it being the main character's ideals and the school system.

All the performances from the actors are well done, especially the main character played by German actor Leonie Benesch, the character's name being Carla Nowak; she is a good teacher, and you can understand her choices when she is instructing the kids in her class, but once the theft that has been occurring affects her, you go back and forth wanting to be on board with her opinion on the situation and wondering about how the school system works. The kids in the class start affecting her when it comes to a certain accusation that takes place, and I like how her breaking from things she thought was the right thing to do affects her and her way of looking at the school system when comes to dealing with issues like this.

This film did not have much of an antagonist, but there are people who will act in a negative way, which leads to the main teacher trying to make amends with a kid and his parent, leading to difficult confrontations and ways to resolve the problem; eventually leading to the ending where it was hard to tell if things were resolved, but there were details that hinted at it. The cinematography was well shot, and the way the movie was executed was well done, but it takes its time; the movie might seem slow to some people who watch this, but I would say it gives build up to what might happen next in the plot because it includes paying attention to little details it might add, and question if the main character is doing the right thing.

Once again, this movie is not for everyone; but the German film The Teachers' Lounge (2023) is a well-made film with well-done performances, good tension, good cinematography, and things to think about. All those positives are what made the movie work for me, but the ending was a bit difficult to understand, and there some things I would have like more of an explanation on; but other than that, this movie is not bad, and it is only worth a watch if you like films like this where it takes its time in executing the premise to build up tension. Not a movie I will watch again, but I will say it was good enough for me to recommend it.
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