It's A Bit Niche
19 April 2024
As I write this Harry Hill is currently touring with this film in the UK, which as far as I know is the only way to see this. There isn't much in terms of promotion for this, so I had pretty much no idea what to expect. Harry has dabbled in silent film segments in the past, his series Fruit Fancies springs to mind? So it's obvious he has a love for silent cinema, but will a contemporary audience?

The Last Caveman stars Harry as the titular caveman, in what is quite terrifying make up, as he gets in numerous scrapes with other cavemen (and women), hyper aggressive squirrels, rude sharks and psychotic bears. It's an unusual choice to make this black and white,as well as silent. Particularly as it's his verbal skills he is known for. While it's definitely funny, it's also a bit bizarre. Maybe too much so for a younger audience. Some of the theme are also a bit dark for kids.

This is definitely more for older Harry Hill fans or people happy enough to watch a very strange silent film, with some of the lowest brow humour available.

Of course the current tour also has Harry in person which elevates the experience above seeing the film on its own. That alone is worth your time and money. You will however still be out of the cinema in 90mins as it's a "mid" length film at 50 mins.
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