Raymond Massey credited as playing...
Major Otto Baumeister
- [Major Otto Baumeister has told the captured crew that, since they know the location of an underground Messerschmitt underground factory, they will feel his iron fist. Now he separates Flying Officer Johnny Hammond from the rest, questioning him for intelligence]
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: That plane you were flying, American-built, wasn't it? One of the new ones. We have heard a good deal about them. We know that they are capable of operating at amazing altitudes. How do you manage to supercharge the engines at the extreme cold of those high altitudes?
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: If I told you, the others wouldn't find out?
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: Certainly not.
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: They can't hear us out there?
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: Quite sure. Now, about the supercharger.
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: It's done with a thermotrockle.
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: A what?
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: Thermotrockle amfilated through a daligonitor. Of course, this is made possible because the dernadyne has a franicoupling.
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: I do not understand you.
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: I knew you wouldn't. The amsometer on the side prenulates the kinutaspel hepulace. That's the entire secret. There you have it.
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: I do not follow you.
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: Well, maybe I could make it more clear if I drew a diagram.
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: Certainly.
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: [Bending over as though to draw] There's three things you gotta understand. As I said before, the daligonitor is amfilated by the thermotrockle. It's made by its connection with the franicoupling of dernadyne. Even at cruising speed the kinutaspel hepulace is prenulated by the amsometer. Makes no difference. Could be taking off. Snowing or raining, any pilot will tell you that the altitude, 10, 20, 30, 40,000 feet...
- [flexing his arm to strike]
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: [appearing casually in Baumeister's doorway] Oh, Terry. He wants to talk to you.
- Flight Lieutenant Terrence Forbes: Oh. The major wants to see me.
- [Forbes enters Baumeister's office and sees him under the desk, unconscious. he looks incredulously at Hammond]
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: The iron fist has a glass jaw.
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: Your name is?
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: Johnny Hammond. What's yours?
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: Major Otto Bau... you will find that in your position impertinence does not pay.
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: I didn't join up in this war to make money.
- Maj. Otto Baumeister: You are an American?
- Flying Officer Johnny Hammond: Half American, half Jersey City.