- Ivo Kern: The Germans always had to learn languages - the army never knew where it would be going next. We still learn English in our schools. It might be rather a waste. Who knows?
- Ivo Kern: [Already starting to rub one of Susanne's feet] Are your feet cold?
- Susanne Mallison: Yes, and my hands are cold. Your heart is the coldest of all.
- Ivo Kern: I can warm your feet for you. It's a pity you can't do anything about my heart.
- Susanne Mallison: I could try.
- Ivo Kern: Why should you bother?
- Ivo Kern: [Talking to Susanne Mallison upon being introduced to her, in Berlin's Soviet-controlled Eastern Sector, by her German sister-in-law, Bettina] We, Bettina and I, do not see eye to eye about some things... this part of Berlin, for instance. But we are old friends, and it is our privilege to quarrel over little things, little things like war and peace, the division of our country, the fate of the world... trifles.
- Ivo Kern: What a pity one ever has to come out of doors. Inside with the curtains closed, it's possible to forget the present, turn your back on the future, and face the past with confidence.
- Halendar: [Trying to cover up a damaging mistake he has made, Halendar talks secretively with a partisan associate and then walks over to Ivo Kern who has been watching out of earshot] Such people, they say nothing.
- Ivo Kern: Have you made your confession and been forgiven?
- Halendar: I told him nothing, and he said nothing.
- Ivo Kern: That must have been a very *interesting* conversation.