Sterling Hayden credited as playing...
Sir Gawain
- Sir Gawain: You turned out to be flinging rocks like any lowborn ruffian. Why I've never been unhorsed by such a scurvy trick!
- Sir Gawain: If you're King Aguar's son, why did you fling that rock?
- Prince Valiant: I thought you were the knight that was after me.
- Sir Gawain: What knight?
- Prince Valiant: All I saw was his black armor.
- Sir Gawain: The Black Knight? You saw him?
- Prince Valiant: I near had his lance in my back. Who is he?
- Sir Gawain: A ghost.
- Prince Valiant: Oh, ghosts don't chase a man in daylight.
- Sir Gawain: Right.
- Sir Gawain: Stop interrupting and I'll tell you what happened. After you left I went out after you. That's when I came upon the Black Knight.
- Prince Valiant: You found him?
- Sir Gawain: Aye. He was searchin' the wood when I challenged him. We fought and he was good. His lance broke and I outhorsed him. I came in to finish him, when a dozen armed men came charging out at me.
- Prince Valiant: They were on foot? Armed with bows?
- Sir Gawain: Aye. It was only with luck I escaped through a hail of arrows.
- Prince Valiant: So did I!
- Sir Gawain: You what?
- Prince Valiant: I was set upon by a band of archers, escaped with an arrow in my back.
- Sir Gawain: Where was Sir Brack?
- Prince Valiant: I don't know. I was nearly captured where he told me to wait for him. Now he says he went back to find me and found no one. Isn't that strange, sir?
- Sir Gawain: What do you imply?
- Prince Valiant: It's hard to put into words, sir, but could it be that he covets King Arthur's throne more than anyone knows?
- Sir Gawain: Sir Brack. A foul suspicion, Val. Unworthy of you.
- Prince Valiant: Yes, I suppose it is unworthy.
- Sir Gawain: Sir Brack may have been born on the wrong side of the blanket, but he's a Knight of the Round Table, sworn to pledge allegiance to our King, and to defend justice, the weak and the helpless.
- Prince Valiant: I'm sorry, sir.