- Bushrod Gentry: I thought they called you Stepping Woman.
- Mary Stuart Cherne: I been stepping all day.
- Bushrod Gentry: He ain't gonna leave the mouth of the cave unless we can draw him in here somehow. I'll tell you what - If he thought I was dead, he might come in here looking for you. Probably wants you alive to take home with him. Serve him right too.
- Mary Stuart Cherne: I might not look so bad in a tepee.
- Bushrod Gentry: Now, I'll play like I'm dead. You start wailin' and fussin'. You know, pretend like you're heartbroken over me
- Mary Stuart Cherne: Huh. It's gonna take some real pretendin'.
- Cadmus Cherne: I discovered a long time ago, you cannot make a woman do something she doesn't want to do.
- Mrs. Cherne: Which is a lesson all men should learn!
- Mary Stuart Cherne: Supposin' a bobcat went after me?
- Bushrod Gentry: There ain't no animals gonna bother you.
- Bushrod Gentry: Why are you so set on me?
- Mary Stuart Cherne: You kissed me, didn't you?
- Bushrod Gentry: Well, I was just bein' polite.