"Forbidden Island" is a frustrating film. On one hand, it's filmed in vivid color and the diving sequences are really nice...with lovely underwater cinematography AND folks who really know how to scuba dive*. But, despite this, the story and acting are pretty bad...especially the flat acting. Plus, I loved all the fully articulated skeletons they find underwater....and some you can even see screws and wire holding them together!!
A weirdo who obviously is evil contracts with four men to do some diving on some recent wreck. He claims he wants an emerald which is aboard the boat and whatever else the divers find can be theirs. Of course there's much more to it and the emerald is a ruse...and ultimately the baddie does bad things. All the while, his paid pretend wife falls for one of the divers.
The dialog and acting are pretty bad here and the plot is rough. But the diving is really good and the underwater shots are marvelous...so at least it can offer something!
*In so many older films with scuba, the divers obviously have no idea what they are doing...such as flailing their arms about in order to go faster, though the opposite is actually the case. "Thunderball" is one of these films and there are many more where it's just obvious to an experienced diver that the divers in the films are very inexperienced.