When the Sister Superior is relating news of the events related to the German offensive in western Europe in the Spring of 1940, events are taken out of sequence. The evacuation of Dunkirk was completed before the German army reduced the Maginot Line or overran northern France.
When the patient in the Congo hospital is being attended by several people, the voice of the actor playing the patient is obviously dubbed over by actor Dean Jagger, who plays Sister Luke's father in the film.
Gabby's handwriting on the notes shown at the beginning of the movie (directing the return of certain items to Jean) is distinctly different from that shown in Sister Luke's diary of reflections as she pens in her entries. The diary perfectly matches Audrey Hepburn's own writing available online.
When Audrey Hepburn is kneeling in the chapel, about to be received as a Novice, while the camera is focused on her face it is obvious she is wearing eye makeup. Any form of makeup is strictly forbidden.
When Dr. Fortunati tells Sister Luke she must drink the Belgian beer he gives her, the closeup of the bottles reveals the name Heineken and the Heineken star logo on the bottle cap. Heineken is Dutch.
At 20:35, as the pre-postulants are entering the chapel to be inducted as postulants by the Superior General, one of the nuns to Gaby's right smirks at the camera in the split second after Gaby passes her.