- The New York Times
- 2,500 Movies Challenge [Dave Becker]
- All Movie [Craig Butler]
- Alternate Ending [Tim Brayton]
- At-a-Glance
- Blu-ray [Jeffrey Kauffman]
- Blueprint: Review [David Brook]
- BobaFett1138 [Frank Veenstra]
- Cagey Films [Kenneth George Godwin]
- Chris Hunneysett Movies & Film [Chris Hunneysett]
- Ciné Dweller [Virgile Dumez]
- French
- Classic Sci-Fi Movies [Nightowl]
- Dark Movie Dreams [Fynn]
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- Deep Red Radio [Benedikt Wilken]
- German
- Dennis Schwartz [Dennis Schwartz]
- Derek Winnert [Derek Winnert]
- Die Nacht der lebenden Texte [Andreas Eckenfels]
- German
- digitallyObsessed! - DVD [Mark Zimmer]
- DoBlu [Matt Paprocki]
- DVD Beaver - Blu-ray [Gary W. Tooze]
- DVD Classik [Justin Kwedi]
- French
- DVD Talk - Blu-ray [Glenn Erickson]
- DVD Talk - Blu-ray [Neil Lumbard]
- DVD Talk - Blu-ray [Randy Miller III]
- DVD Talk - DVD [Glenn Erickson]
- Fantastic Movie Musings and Ramblings [Dave Sindelar]
- film-authority.com (Eddie Harrison)
- Filmchecker [Christian Ladewig]
- German
- FilmFanatic
- Fire-Breathing Dimetrodon Time [Grant G.]
- For It Is Man's Number [Kevin Matthews]
- French Films [James Travers]
- Gone with the Twins [The Massie Twins]
- Hannes' Filmarchiv
- German
- Ion Cinema - Blu-ray [Nicholas Bell]
- KQEK - Blu-ray [Mark R. Hasan]
- L'Oeil sur l'écran
- French
- Letterboxd
- Mana Pop [Mike Brooks]
- Midnight Only [Jeff Kuykendall]
- Mondo Digital [Nathaniel Thompson]
- Monster Hunter
- Moria [Richard Scheib]
- Moviebreak.de [Constantin Wieckhorst]
- German
- Movieman's Guide to the Movies - Blu-ray
- Movies in Focus [Niall Browne]
- Nasty Video Ghoul
- Naturalistic! Uncanny! Marvelous! [Gene Phillips]
- Need Coffee [Scott C]
- Notes on Films
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