Here is Corman at almost his best. Ray Milland was as good an actor as Vincent Price, and this story isn't trapped in the Poe mode of rotting flesh and dilapidated mansions. It's more in the manner of Corman's The Trip, which was made a few years later. Dr. Xavier discovers something that he can use to see through solid objects, but its effect is cumulative, and by the end of the movie he's seeing all the way to the core of reality.
Of course, he has to go on the run, and must abandon his medical career. We see him in a carnival, reading peoples' thoughts, and later teaming up with his x girlfriend and going to Vegas and seeing through the cards and winning big, and finally, escaping from the police, and as he drives through the Nevada desert, we see that he can't see a thing. Abandoning his Lincoln Continental, he stumbles into a tent revival meeting. The preacher, played by Royal Dano(?)is telling his followers to throw Satan out. Filmed by Floyd Crosby, with beautiful special effects, this is a real piece of 60's film-making by one of the masters.