Anthony Quinn credited as playing...
Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy
- Merle: A message from the airforce, sir. In 10 minutes, they will be overhead to drop in reinforcements!
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: We haven't got enough firepower left to cover them, they'll be slaughtered before they hit the ground, get back on the radio and warn them off.
- Merle: Right sir!
- [command bunker with radio blown up]
- Merle: [picking up broken pieces of radio] Poor devils, they'll be here in a few minutes!
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Well, what the hell can I do!
- DeGuyot: In this ministry, the issue seems to be whether you should be given another command or asked to resign.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: I will never resign, sir.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Since when do women run the army?
- Capt. Phillipe Esclavier: It's been going on for longer than peasants have been allowed to become officers.
- DeGuyot: General Melies complains that you disobeyed his orders at Dien Bien Phu.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Several times, sir. The first time in order to recapture a hill. The second time...
- DeGuyot: Never mind. General Melies seems to have a point. Doesn't he?
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Yes, sir, - and they got the hill.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: This time I come back - a General.
- Countess Nathalie de Clairefons: Victorious, all covered with new scars and new medals which no woman could resist.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: You look like an executive.
- Capt. Boisfeuras: Oh yeah, I am. I have an arrangement with an Italian sports car company. I have a penthouse, and an office crawling with beautiful Italian secretaries.
- Countess Nathalie de Clairefons: Pierre, You're a beautiful animal of war.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Look, never call me an animal.
- Countess Nathalie de Clairefons: A beast then, a beautiful beast of war.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: It's a waste for you to be a widow.
- Countess Nathalie de Clairefons: My mother was one at 22. Well, do we pass the test?
- [kiss]
- Merle: You're not going without me?
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: You've got a wife.
- Merle: That's why I want to leave for Algeria at once.
- General Melies: You may have turned your men into street brawlers, but I doubt if they're soldiers yet.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Depends upon what you'd call soldiers, sir. I admit they wouldn't make for fancy guards around headquarters.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Listen. I've been subpoenaed to return to Paris. The politicians are after me. But they can't fight success. I'll either be a winner or I'll be dead.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: This isn't vengeance. It's pointless slaughter. You turn warfare into murder. You stink!
- Capt. Phillipe Esclavier: We're worse than animals.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Don't call me an animal.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Come on.
- Capt. Phillipe Esclavier: Go to hell, without me.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: Come on. We have work to do.
- Capt. Boisfeuras: Are Arab women better lovers?
- Capt. Phillipe Esclavier: That's my business.
- Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy: It's also mine when you go messing around with casbah girls. They're all dangerous.