The Shoes of the Fisherman (I) (1968)
Vittorio De Sica: Cardinal Rinaldi
Cardinal Rinaldi : [standing before the cardinals in the conclave] My brothers. My brothers, we have already failed seven times to reach an election. I stand now to claim a right under canon law. In all humility, I proclaim to you my belief that there is among us a man already marked by God to sit in the chair of St. Peter. Like the first of the apostles this man has suffered prison stripes for the faith. The hand of God has led him out of bondage to join us in this conclave. I announce him as my candidate and dedicate to him my vote and my obedience. Kiril Cardinal Lakota.
Kiril Lakota : [Stunned. Slowly rises] Thank you, Eminence. But I - I cannot consent to it.
Cardinal Rahamani : [after a moment, rises] I too proclaim him.
Asian Cardinal : [Rises] I also proclaim him.
George Faber : I think, Eminence, you may have caught yourself a Tartar.
Cardinal Rinaldi : I think we may have caught a Christian.