9 of 18 found this mild
When Richard Harris is captured he is made to go naked to the Sioux camp. There is full nudity, his exposed rear is seen for several minutes, there are no close-ups from the front only long distance and brief side shots, but his genitals are not seen fully. A Sioux places a hand-print with paint on one of his buttocks.
Because the Sioux males only wear loin cloths there are several instances of buttocks been seen of both fully grown and young Indians. There are no glimpses of genitals.
A topless Sioux woman caresses Richard Harris.
5 of 8 found this severe
On two occasions elderly Sioux women are seen chopping off their own finger with a knife.
Three white men are killed with arrows, two of which are scalped. The bloody scalp is seen.
Richard Harris stabs two Shoshone Indians in the neck and scalps one, the bloody scalp is seen.
During a ritual, Richard Harris has bird claws and bone forced through the flesh of his chest which are attached to a rope which hoists him into the air so that his whole body weight hangs freely. There is blood and his flesh stretches several inches. He remains scarred afterwards.
When a rival tribe attacks, dozens of Indians fight at close quarters, killing with spears, stone hammers, knives and arrows. Women are killed also.
Richard Harris draws a knife across the full width of his stomach to honour the dead.
4 of 9 found this mild
Only two or three times, mild: "bloody", "shit" but said in French, i.e. "merdé".
2 of 4 found this mild
Near the beginning, two of Morgan's companions are seen drinking and acting drunk, shooting up their own camp.
Indian pipe.
3 of 6 found this moderate