- rogerebert.com [Roger Ebert]
- All Movie Guide [Craig Butler]
- Blu-ray.com [Jeffrey Kauffman]
- Cinefantastique [Dale Winogura] (Fall 1973)
- Cleveland Press [Tony Mastroianni]
- Combustible Celluloid [Jeffrey M. Anderson]
- derekwinnert.com [Derek Winnert]
- DVD Talk [Matt Hinrichs]
- DVDBeaver Blu-ray [Gary Tooze]
- DVDClassik [Olivier Bitoun]
- French
- DVDFR.com [Philippe Gautreau]
- French
- Every 70s Movie [Peter Hanson]
- Fantastic Movie Musings and Ramblings
- Film Authority (Eddie B)
- FilmFracture [James Jay Edwards]
- Four Word Film Review
- Horror Habit [Jolie Bergman]
- Mediapart [Cédric Lépine]
- French
- Mondo Digital [Nathaniel Thompson]
- New York Times
- Philm.dk [Tobias Lynge Herler]
- Danish
- Reel Film Reviews [David Nusair]
- Scopophilia: Movies of the 60's, 70's, 80's [Richard Winters]
- The Boston Phoenix [Steve Vineberg]
- The Cavalier Daily (UVA) [Jim Jubak]
- The Eugene Register-Guard [Albert Leong]
- The New Yorker [Pauline Kael]
- the passionate moviegoer: cinema obscura [Joe Baltake]
- The Pittsburgh Press [Edward L. Blank]
- The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review [Richard Scheib]
- The Village Voice [Michael McKegney]
- Time Magazine [Jay Cocks]
- Time Out
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