The Day of the Jackal (1973) Poster

Edward Fox: The Jackal



  • Col. Rodin : Will you do it?

    The Jackal : Yes.

    Montclair : How much?

    The Jackal : You must understand that this is a once-in-a-lifetime job, whoever does it can never work again...

    Montclair : How much do you want?

    The Jackal : Half a million.

    Montclair : What?

    The Jackal : In cash. Half in advance, half on completion.

    Montclair : Half a million francs?

    The Jackal : Dollars.

    Montclair : [standing up]  Are you mad?

    The Jackal : Considering you expect to get France in return, I'd have thought it a reasonable price. If you can't manage it, then there's nothing more to be said.

    [turns to leave] 

    Col. Rodin : We accept!

  • Col. Rodin : We are not terrorists, you understand. We are patriots. Our duty is to the soldiers who died fighting in Algeria, and to the three million French citizens who have always lived there.

    The Jackal : And so you want to get rid of him.

    Col. Rodin : Speaking as a professional, do you think it's possible?

    The Jackal : It's possible. The point is getting away with it. And speaking as a professional, that's a very important consideration.

    Montclair : But in principle you say it could be done?

    The Jackal : Yes, with enough time and planning. It would be more difficult than most other targets.

    Casson : Why more?

    The Jackal : Because de Gaulle has the best security service in the world. Their information is first-class. You see, gentlemen, not only have your own efforts failed, but you've rather queered the pitch for everyone else.

    Casson : How dare you suggest that!

    The Jackal : In this work, you simply can't afford to be emotional. That's why you've made so many mistakes.

    Col. Rodin : But if we decided to employ a professional...

    The Jackal : You have to employ a professional. Your organization is so riddled with informers that nothing you decide is a secret for long. No, the job would have to be done by an outsider. The only question would be by whom, and for how much.

  • The Gunsmith : Over what range will you fire?

    The Jackal : I'm not sure yet, but probably not more than 400 feet

    The Gunsmith : Will the gentleman be moving?

    The Jackal : Stationary.

    The Gunsmith : Will you go for a head shot or a chest shot?

    The Jackal : Probably head.

    The Gunsmith : What about the chances of a second shot?

    The Jackal : Well, I might get the chance, but I doubt it. In any event I'll need a silencer to escape.

    The Gunsmith : In that case, you'd better have explosive bullets. Yes, I can prepare a handful for you along with the gun.

    The Jackal : Glycerin or mercury?

    The Gunsmith : Oh, mercury... I think. It's much cleaner.

  • The Jackal : How many know about this?

    Col. Rodin : Just the four of us.

    The Jackal : Let's keep it that way. This job depends on absolute secrecy. No notes must be kept. If any one of you is captured, I shall feel free to call it off. I suggest you go somewhere secure and remain there under guard until the job is done. Agreed?

    Col. Rodin : Agreed.

    The Jackal : [writes on a piece of paper]  The planning will be mine. Here is the account number of my bank in Switzerland. When I've received confirmation that the first $250,000 has been deposited, I'll move, provided I'm ready. But I shall not be hurried or interfered with in any way.

    Col. Rodin : [passes the paper to Montclair]  Agreed.

    The Jackal : All I shall want from you is a number that I can ring in Paris for information about De Gaulle's schedule and security arrangements.

    Montclair : I'd like to know where you expect us to find half a million dollars so quickly.

    The Jackal : Use your network to rob some banks.

  • Col. Rodin : There's nothing more you want from us. From now on you'll be working completely alone.

    The Jackal : Not completely. One will have the cooperation of de Gaulle.

    [the OAS members look astonished] 

    The Jackal : Well, he won't listen to his secret service and he's not the sort of man to stay out of the public eye.

  • The Jackal : What about the French documents?

    The Forger : French identity card's all right. The other one, I don't think I've ever seen what they look like, let alone copy it. I'll have to get a colleague of mine in France to pick someone's pocket so I can make a duplicate. It'll mean more time, more money...

    The Jackal : How much more?

    The Forger : Five hundred... three hundred pounds?

    The Jackal : Half now, half on delivery.

    The Forger : When will I hear from you?

    The Jackal : I'll be returning to Genoa on August the 14th. Be in the same place we met tonight at six o'clock.

    [pays the Forger] 

    The Forger : Must be a big job you've got on, eh?

    The Jackal : Now there are certain things I wish to make clear: when you've finished the work, you will hand over all the negatives and all the prints of the photographs you've just taken. You will also forget the name of Duggan, and the name on the French documents you are going to produce. Is that understood?

  • The Jackal : Boring, aren't they, the magazines?

    Colette de Montpelier : I find them fascinating.

    The Jackal : What? Articles about pig breeding and combine harvesters?

    Colette de Montpelier : I'm enthralled by combine harvesters. In fact, I yearn to have one as a pet.

  • The Jackal : [disguised as Per Lundquist]  Goodbye, Mr. Duggan.

    [heaves a suitcase with his clothes and false papers off a bridge] 

  • Colette de Montpelier : No, of course I don't live in the Alps. I went there for a visit, that's all.

    The Jackal : Climbing?

    Colette de Montpelier : Good Lord, no. I spent a day at the Cadet Academy in Barcelonette amongst a lot of jaundiced military types, watching my son receive his commission.

    The Jackal : [surprised]  Oh...

    Colette de Montpelier : He's nineteen.

    The Jackal : I never know when you're being serious.

    Colette de Montpelier : It's true, unfortunately.

    The Jackal : Why "unfortunately"? I see nothing unfortunate in...

    Colette de Montpelier : I'm not begging for compliments, Mr. Duggan.

  • Col. Rodin : One last thing. What codename will you use?

    The Jackal : Why not the Jackal?

    Col. Rodin : Why not?

  • [the Jackal collects his forged documents and sorts through them] 

    The Forger : What? It's all there. The Duggan driver's license and the French identity card were easy enough, but whoo, that third card was a big headache! It's nicely dog-eared, isn't it?

    The Jackal : Haven't you forgotten something?

    The Forger : Sorry?

    The Jackal : The original driver's license, the one I said I wanted back.

    The Forger : [crafty smile]  I thought we might have a little chat about that. The fact is, you see, the original driver's license is not here. But don't worry, it's put away in a very safe place...

    [holds up a set of keys] 

    The Forger : Nobody can get it, but me.

    The Jackal : Well, what do you want?

    The Forger : I'm coming to that. What I propose is simply a little trade: I give you the original driving license and all those negatives I took of you, for a certain sum of money.

    The Jackal : How much?

    The Forger : A thousand pounds. It's worth that, wouldn't you say, to get those documents back?

    The Jackal : Yes, I suppose so.

    The Forger : [pleased]  An English gentleman can always be trusted to see sense!

    The Jackal : I can find the first five hundred by tomorrow, but on the condition we don't meet in this place.

    The Forger : There's nothing wrong with this place. It's very quiet, and very private.

    The Jackal : There's everything wrong with this place as far as I'M concerned!

    The Forger : Forget about that, no one comes here unless they're invited by me! One has to be discreet, you know, in my little sideline.

    [chuckles. The Jackal laughs with him, and then chops his neck] 

  • Colette de Montpelier : Why did you come?

    The Jackal : To see you. I had to.

    Colette de Montpelier : But why?

    The Jackal : Does it matter?

  • Colette de Montpelier : Paul... the police were here yesterday looking for you.

    The Jackal : Did they say they were coming back?

    Colette de Montpelier : No, only that I should phone if...


    Colette de Montpelier : Paul, I know you stole that car. It has a local license plate. I know it must be very serious. I don't mind. You can tell me what you've done. You can stay here, it's safe. But you must tell me, Paul. I won't say anything...

See also

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