Emma and Didi shine in this memorable film looking at the world of ballet. Moira Shearer, Anton Walbrook et al of "The Red Shoes" of 1948 would have certainly been proud of it.
The ballet sequences are marvelously staged and beautifully realized by the cast.
Anne Bancroft and Shirley MacLaine received best actress nominations in their respective roles. It is when Leslie Browne, who was nominated for best supporting actress, becomes a ballerina, that her mother (MacLaine) looks back at the career she gave up for marriage and family. She meets her old friend and rival-Bancroft-who pursued her career at the expense of never marrying.
Mikhail Baryshnikov, the great Russian ballet dancer, is fabulous here and was even nominated for best supporting actor.
"The Turning Point" received 11 Oscar nominations. It walked away with no awards. Was Hollywood's lack of culture shown here?