9 of 11 found this to have none
An old flame o the protagonist offers to sleep with him and begins undressing (she is wearing undergarments) but he politely declines.
A woman is seen bending over and you see her underclothes.
7 of 9 found this mild
Even though it is stylized, the white buffalo gorges its victims and shows it's bloody aftermath. There are a few gunfight scene that show the wounds up front. All blood shown is very similar to that you would see in the old Hammer Films.
Men are shot with guns and arrows with mainly bloodless results. Despite this, their reactions to mortal wounds are more realistic displaying stark shock and horror when dying.
3 of 8 found this moderate
6 "g*d d*mn"
13 "h" words
4 "a" words
11 "d" words
9 "b" words
6 "s" words
4 usages of "bastard"
3 of 6 found this mild
1 of 6 found this moderate
The White Buffalo kills many people at the beginning.