When Turan jumps out of the window, he falls from a very high place. He is still alive when they talk to him, which is very doubtful considering the height he jumped from.
When the orderly dives through the hospital window, his stunt-dummy's arm snaps off as it hits the ground.
In the catch the mutilator hospital scene, the corpse that has just had its heart ripped out blinks.
When Dr. Obreo / Dr. Butcher is using the medical saw on the girl you can hear it spinning very fast but when you look at the blood stains around the edge of the saw you can see that it is not moving and only moves (very slowly) when he traces around the top of her head.
At the end of the movie, pants of the zombies are obviously wet to get lit more easily.
Clearly a fake body used for shots in the scene with demonstration for students.
When they are in the boat going to Keto, crewmembers are reflected in Peter's binoculars.