Peter O'Toole credited as playing...
General Cornelius Flavius Silva
- Cornelius Flavius Silva: A victory? What have we won? We've won a rock in the middle of a wasteland, on the shores of a poisoned sea.
- Eleazar ben Yair: You say you will catch us, and kill us? I invite you to try.
- Cornelius Flavius Silva: You invite me to try? Your country is one long and narrow graveyard already; your cities are flatter than your deserts, your temple has been destroyed and most of the survivors are slaves, all for seven years of our 'trying'. Give us our due, man, we know how to kill.
- Kophar: [in a patronizing tone] Your excellency, what an honor.
- Cornelius Flavius Silva: Hello, Kophar. I see you're still one step ahead of leprosy.
- Cornelius Flavius Silva: [to Gallus] We must face the truth. We laid out this camp for the prosecution of a siege. We didn't expect them to come visiting at all hours. We expected them to be stubborn, and they've turned out to be clever. I hate cleverness! It's the soldier in me, but we could use a little bit of it ourselves at the moment.