Rosel Zech credited as playing...
Veronika Voss
- Veronika Voss: When an actress plays a woman who wants to please a man, she tries to be all the women in the world rolled into one.
- Veronika Voss: You've given me a great deal of happiness.
- Dr. Marianne Katz: I sold it to you.
- Veronika Voss: Tell me about your triumphs.
- Robert Krohn: My life's pretty humdrum, you know. No victories. No defeats anymore.
- Robert Krohn: Shall we sit down? There are seats free at the front.
- Veronika Voss: No. Let's stay here! Please! People would recognize me, understand? They'd stare at me and talk about me. Some might even want to start a conversation. Do you understand?
- Veronika Voss: I'm sure you felt bad.
- Robert Krohn: Felt bad?
- Veronika Voss: For not recognizing me. You didn't recognize me immediately, did you?
- Robert Krohn: No, not at once.
- Veronika Voss: You see! You can't fool me. Let me tell you, it was a joy for me that someone should take care of me without knowing I'm Veronika Voss, and how famous I am. I felt like a human being again. A human being!
- Veronika Voss: Do you think I'm a beautiful woman?
- Robert Krohn: Yes, very beautiful. I think you're a very beautiful woman.
- Veronika Voss: [laughs] A woman with both light and dark sides.
- Veronika Voss: Good-bye, Robert. You may call me Veronika.
- Robert Krohn: Good-bye, Veronika.
- Filmproduzent: I wanted you for the part, but the director - You know how directors are today. They do what they like with you. He insisted on his floozy.
- Veronika Voss: [sees a young girl dressing in the Filmproduzent's office] Is that her?
- Filmproduzent: [races to close his office door] Yes.
- Veronika Voss: Very attractive. And much younger than me.
- Filmproduzent: Less talented, too. If it were up to me...
- Veronika Voss: Does she have a mother? In the movie, I mean.
- Filmproduzent: A mother? Yes. why?
- Veronika Voss: Let me play her mother. The mother of the flossy. Please. Let me.
- Filmproduzent: It's a tiny role, Veronika. Two or three days' shooting. I'd never have dared offer you something like that.
- Veronika Voss: That's why I have to ask.
- Veronika Voss: When we go away, the furniture has to be covered, the shutters closed, and the electricity turned off.
- [laughs]
- Veronika Voss: It's like people who know they're dying and have to put everything in order first. Do you have idiosyncrasies like that?
- Robert Krohn: No. I don't think so. And you?
- Veronika Voss: Me? I like to seduce
- [opens her robe]
- Veronika Voss: defenseless men. You are a defenseless man, aren't you?
- Veronika Voss: Don't you think all artists should unite?
- Grete: You mean a kind of union?
- Veronika Voss: Good heavens, no. For the freedom of art. Art needs freedom. How should it liberate people otherwise?
- Veronika Voss: Turn off the light, please.
- Max Rehbein: It's always the same crap. You always have to be doing something, always setting something up. Can't we just be the way we are?
- Veronika Voss: [singing] Take one fresh and tender kiss, Add some stolen night of bliss, One girl, one boy, Some grief, some joy, Memories are made of this, Don't forget a small moon beam, Fold in lightly with a dream, Your lips and mine, Two sips of wine, Memories are made of this...