Kristy McNichol credited as playing...
Julie Sawyer
- Wilber Hull: Miss Julie Sawyer?
- Julie Sawyer: Yes?
- Wilber Hull: I'm Wilber Hull. These are my grandchildren. Helen here is six. Theona's eight.
- Helen: Hi.
- Wilber Hull: This is the lady.
- Theona: Hello, Miss Sawyer.
- Julie Sawyer: Hi. I'm in a real big hurry. You'll have to excuse me.
- [starts walking away]
- Theona: Where's my dog?
- [Julie turns around, looking at her with surprise]
- Wilber Hull: The S.P.C.A. said you have our dog, Miss Sawyer. He ran away from the trailer park. We're very grateful you took such good care of him. We've brought you some chocolates.
- Julie Sawyer: [stunned] Did you train him?
- Wilber Hull: I sure did. Since he was just a puppy.
- Julie Sawyer: To be a white dog?
- Wilber Hull: [grinning] And the best of the lot.
- Julie Sawyer: You *bastard*!
- Wilber Hull: You look here, young lady...
- Julie Sawyer: You sick son of a bitch! You got two puppies there. You gonna teach 'em to be as sick as you are?
- [speaking to Theona and Helen]
- Julie Sawyer: Do you know what your grandfather did to that dog? He turned that dog into a monster! A killer! Don't you let him turn you into monsters either! Don't listen to a damn word he says about anything! Not a damn word!
- [now speaking to Hull]
- Julie Sawyer: You shut your damn mouth! Don't even touch me!
- Wilber Hull: If you don't give us our dog back, I will go to the police.
- Julie Sawyer: Go to the police! *Go*, you son of a bitch! I'd like to see you walk in there and tell them this story. Then I'd like to haul your ass in court and expose your sick mind for the son of a bitch you are. The dog has been cured! Do you understand me? The dog has been cured!
- [pointedly]
- Julie Sawyer: Cured by a Black man.
- Carruthers: That ain't no attack dog you got. That's a white dog!
- Julie Sawyer: Of course he's a white dog.
- Carruthers: I don't mean his color! He's going to attack and kill black people!
- Julie Sawyer: That's crazy! I don't believe that!
- Joe: What the hell you mean, huh?
- [Lifts up his pant leg]
- Joe: You see this scar, lady? You see this goddamn scar? Well I got that when I was 14 years old. A white dog did it!