(at about 11:00 into the film) While at the dinner table, a platter of vegetables is across the table from the girl, then next to her at close-up, then back across the table again at the next cut.
When the dog's owner shows up at Julie's house, he rewards her for finding his pet with an unwrapped Whitman's Sampler box of candy. That brand of candy is always sold with a cellophane wrapper - presumably, the filmmakers thought it would be more dramatic to have the lid come off and the candy fly all over the place when Julie threw it back at him.
To make kind dogs look vicious, filmmakers use something like cotton balls that is stuffed under the lips and over the fangs. Apart from looking more warped than vicious, in at least one scene in the film you can spot the padding.
Just before the white dog finally takes the hamburger from his trainer, he looks up at him and, just under his lip, shows the edge of the prosthetics that hold his cheeks in a snarl.
When Julie first takes the dog to the animal training center, Carruthers is on the phone but tells her to sit down. To his right, almost out of frame, you can see some fingers moving, most likely the dog trainer making signs.
When the two dog trainers are in the Noah's Ark office talking about the tranquilizer gun, the camera dollies towards the door and what appears to be the jeans of the crew member pulling the dolly are visible several times at the bottom of the screen.
When Keys pulls his van up in front of the church after spotting the dog, several crew members can be seen reflected in the side of the van.
When the white dog is in the cage close to the end of the film, he is pacing back and forth, then looks up and spins; in the lower left side you can see a shadow of the dog trainer's hand.