S12.E12 ∙ Bon Voyage: Part 2Wed, Feb 2, 1994Martin says goodbye to the family as he departs for Saudi Arabia.Rate
S12.E13 ∙ Settling InWed, Feb 9, 1994Greg takes over and finds that Betty has a very suspect job description typed up.Rate
S13.E2 ∙ This Is Your Wake Up CallWed, Feb 23, 1994Tracy finds a job doing trackwork on horses, getting her up at 3:30 in the morning.Rate
S13.E3 ∙ Nothing's ChangedWed, Mar 2, 1994Debbie arrives unexpectedly and competes with Tracy for Ben.Rate
S13.E5 ∙ Walk Against Want WalkersWed, Mar 16, 1994Only some of the family are keen to enter the Walk Against Want.Rate
S13.E6 ∙ Who's to Blame?Wed, Mar 23, 1994The Volvo is having its fair share of problems hitting other items.Rate
S13.E7 ∙ Cousin Coral Comes to VisitWed, Mar 30, 1994Betty's cousin Coral visits; Arthur launches another money-making scam.Rate
S13.E8 ∙ Betty's Mother Comes to TownWed, Apr 6, 1994Betty's mother panics when she hears that Mr. Russell is running the business.Rate
S13.E9 ∙ Acting the Goat!Wed, Apr 20, 1994Tracy and Ben go to the annual black-tie dinner-dance for Ben's Uni regiment.Rate
S13.E10 ∙ It Was a Dark and Stormy NightWed, Apr 27, 1994The gang gets spooked one stormy night when Greg finds out that the woman who lived in their house mysteriously disappeared 50 years ago that very night.Rate
S13.E11 ∙ She Ain't Heavy, She's My SisterWed, May 4, 1994Everyone wants to meet Arthur's younger sister, so he must come to terms with the fact that she's no longer a little kid.Rate
S13.E12 ∙ Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Sporty Car MachineyWed, May 11, 1994Greg stuns everyone when he brings home a brand-new sports car, but Ben and Tracy's dream of sharing Greg's glittering prize are short-lived.Rate
S13.E13 ∙ Beam Me Up BennieWed, May 18, 1994While Ben's past as a Trekkie comes back to haunt him, Greg's attempt to drag the workplace into the 20th century falls flat.Rate
S14.E1 ∙ Born to Be MildWed, May 25, 1994The fantasies of middle-aged men are the stuff legends are made of--Greg seriously considers getting a Harley.Rate
S14.E2 ∙ Rebel Without a ClueWed, Jun 1, 1994Jenny's new boyfriend has her pondering a problem: How is a girl supposed to rebel if people keep letting her do what she wants?Rate
S14.E3 ∙ Your Wish Is My CommandWed, Jun 8, 1994Arthur is sick and tired of being ordered around by Ben and Tracy, so he plots his revenge.Rate
S14.E4 ∙ The Joy Luck Social ClubWed, Jun 15, 1994Greg and Ben look forward to meeting Helga at the work social club.Rate
S14.E5 ∙ Romancing the StunnedWed, Jun 22, 1994Ben's put into a sticky situation when his girlfriend visits from Taree.Rate
S14.E6 ∙ Betty's New FlatWed, Jun 29, 1994The family helps Betty move flats, but the boys get locked inside without the key.Rate
S14.E8 ∙ Sink or SwimWed, Jul 13, 1994Ben arms himself with a super-duper pest bomb when a flea plague strikes the house.Rate
S14.E9 ∙ Current EventsWed, Jul 20, 1994While Greg gets a gold card, Tracy tries to save money on electricity by using only the one outlet.Rate
S14.E10 ∙ Broom and BoardWed, Jul 27, 1994Greg organises a work roster to try to get the place cleaned up.Rate
S14.E11 ∙ Phoning at the MouthWed, Aug 3, 1994Tracy tries to persuade Greg to get her a mobile phone; Ben cons Betty into helping with his university assignment.Rate
S14.E12 ∙ Hoot's BootsWed, Aug 10, 1994Greg's father, a conservative architect, arrives unexpectedly--and living life to the fullest.Rate
S14.E13 ∙ What a Blast!Wed, Aug 17, 1994A bank robber on the run takes the household hostage, but will he survive in the mayhem?Rate