- Peter Loew: [running down a street] I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE!
- Peter Loew: [staring at Alva, his eyes getting increasingly wider and more crazed-looking] Alva, there is no one else in this entire office that I could possibly ask to share such a horrible job. You're the lowest on the totem pole here, Alva. The lowest. Do you realize that? Every other secretary here has been here longer than you, Alva. Every one. And even if there was someone here who was here even one day longer than you, I still wouldn't ask that person to partake in such a miserable job as long as you were around. That's right, Alva. It's a horrible, horrible job; sifting through old contract after old contract. I couldn't think of a more horrible job if I wanted to. And you have to do it! You have to or I'll fire you. You understand? Do you? Good.
- Peter Loew: Shouldn't the copy be in that file? It should, right?
- Dr. Glaser: Yes.
- Peter Loew: Right? Hmmm. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
- Dr. Glaser: Unless, of course, it's somehow been somehow misfiled.
- Peter Loew: MIS-filed?
- Dr. Glaser: Yes, misfiled. Sometimes somebody puts a document in the wrong file and then it's misfiled. It makes it much harder to find.
- Peter Loew: Who? Who? What do you mean, who? How could somebody MIS-file something? What could be easier? It's all alphabetical. You just PUT it IN the RIGHT FILE! According to ALPHABETICAL ORDER! You know - A, B, C, D, E, F, G!
- Dr. Glaser: Peter...
- Peter Loew: H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P!
- Dr. Glaser: Peter...
- Peter Loew: Q, R, S, T, U, V!
- Dr. Glaser: Oh, Peter...
- Peter Loew: W, X, Y, Z! HUH? THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO!
- Dr. Glaser: Very good, you know your alphabet.
- Dr. Glaser: I cannot possibly tell you that.
- Peter Loew: You can't?
- Dr. Glaser: No, I can't.
- Peter Loew: Hah! And you call yourself a psychiatrist?
- Peter Loew: The work's not just gonna go away, Alva. It never just "goes away". THAT GODDAMN CONTRACT IS SOMEWHERE IN THOSE GODDAMN FUCKING FILES!
- [he suddenly starts retching]
- Alva Restrepo: Are you all right, Mr. Loew?
- Peter Loew: Shut up, bitch.
- Peter Loew: [looks into a mirror in a restroom] Oh, Christ! Oh, Christ, where... where am I? Where am I? Where, where am I? Oh, c... Christ, where am I? I have become one. A vampire. Oh, God...
- [turns and looks into another mirror]
- Peter Loew: [crying] Oh, God, where am I?
- Sidney Langdon: [from inside one of the toilet stalls] You're in the Goddamn crapper, Loew, and I'm trying to take a dump, so will you shut up and leave the Goddamn acting lessons for home or go back to the ladies' room?
- Peter Loew: It's too late, Alva.
- Alva Restrepo: It's not too late.
- Peter Loew: Too late... Too late...
- Alva Restrepo: It's not too late!
- Peter Loew: [advances on her, swinging his head side to side] Tooo late! Tooo late! Tooo late! Tooo late!
- [in a diner, Loew is fed up with waiting for his order]
- Peter Loew: [gets up and shouts] Fucking grease hole!