This movie is dead on with every biker I know! I am curious about what, if anything Bob the Moo even knows about American bikers...I have been one and have been around them for my entire adult life...I have a job, pay my taxes, raise my family, and do pretty much everything else, no different then everyone else. I have never been to jail, or even arrested- for anything, and even spent 10 years of my life as a cop. There are trouble makers in every segment of society and bikers are no different...but the vast majority of bikers are just normal working people that like to ride! They get upset when good people get screwed, but unlike a lot of folks, they stand up to help people in need. That is exactly what this movie is about...the little guy standing up to the big guy and saying "No, you will not walk on me!" For many years, all Hollywood put out with regards to bikers was the dark side of the culture- the so called 1%ers. They are the minority! There are very few movies out there that show the way most bikers are...but this is one of them. Sure the acting was a little rough...there were only a handful of real actors in the movie...all the bikers in the background are the real thing. The story line was simplistic, but it was a first time for the writer- also a member of the biker community...I know these things because I have seen a making of documentary of the movie with interviews of the people involved.
If you overlook the fact that it is not a high dollar production and just relax and watch the movie- you will love it...
Unless you have watched one to many of the stereotypical biker movies and are biased against it from the start.