During the movie, they refer to the hit man killer as "Mr. Shush" (it even says as much in closed captions) - yet in the credits and chapter section, he is called "Mr. Shhh".
When Pieces meets Jimmy at the amusement park, he arrives and approaches bareheaded. When they part, he has a hat.
When we first meet Christopher Walken's character, his feeding tube keeps changing positions.
When Jimmy The Saint is threatening Lt. Atwater with a baseball bat he's holding it against Atwater's chest and lowers the bat to the ground to lean on it, but in the next shot the bat is back against Lt. Atwater's chest.
When Jimmy kills Bernard, he drags his body into the street then throws his hat on top of him. Later in the film Jimmy tosses the hat to The Man With The Plan's goons when driving by.