Josh Hamilton credited as playing...
- Anthony: Would you like a glass of Liebfraumilch?
- Lesly: No thank you. I'll just have a glass of wine.
- Marty: That's the name of the wine.
- Lesly: Oh!
- [laughs]
- Lesly: I don't speak french.
- Jackie-O: Who does?
- Anthony: You do.
- Jackie-O: Oh, that's right, I do.
- [smiles]
- Lesly: So what does that name mean?
- Jackie-O: In french?
- Lesly: [nods]
- Jackie-O: I think it means something German.
- Marty: It means, "loving mother's milk."
- Lesly: You speak french?
- Marty: No. German.
- Mrs. Pascal: Oh my God, I sounded just like a mother! Didn't I sound just like a mother?
- Marty: You are a mother.
- Mrs. Pascal: I know, but I still can't believe it. I look at you people and wonder, how did you ever fit in my womb?
- Mrs. Pascal: What's that gun doing there?
- Jackie-O: It's not a gun. It's a camera.
- Mrs. Pascal: It's a gun.
- Jackie-O: It's a camera that looks like a gun.
- Marty: Relax, Mama, it isn't loaded.
- Mrs. Pascal: How do you know?
- Marty: I checked.
- Mrs. Pascal: What's it doing there?
- Jackie-O: Being gunlike, gunesque, gunonic.
- Mrs. Pascal: Where did it come from?
- Jackie-O: God?
- Anthony: [to Jackie] I hear you crying at night alone in your room.
- Anthony: [to Marty] I hear her crying at night alone in her room.
- Marty: [to Jackie] You cry at night alone in your room?
- Anthony: Hey, don't make fun of her! I won't let you make fun of her.
- Marty: I wasn't going to make fun of her. I was going to ask her what she cries about.
- Jackie-O: [turns away] What do you think? You want somebody for a very long time. And then you have them. And they love you. And they make love to you. But it's not enough. This is the truth about sex.
- Anthony: Is that why Peter was lousy in bed?
- Jackie-O: I'm not talking about Peter, Anthony.
- Jackie-O: [turns towards them, crying] Jesus, I'm talking about Marty.
- Jackie-O: I see Anthony wears a lot of layers around me, don't 'cha Anthony? He's got a tee shirt, a dress shirt, a vest, and a jacket.
- Anthony: I'm wearing a jacket because it's Thanksgiving
- Jackie-O: You weren't wearing it before.
- Anthony: I put it on after Marty got here.
- Marty: I appreciate it. It looks nice.
- Anthony: I think it belonged to a Kennedy.
- Marty: Why? Is there a bullet hole?