Samuel L. Jackson credited as playing...
Hejira Henry
- Jack Foley: What kind of name is Hejira?
- Hejira: It's Islamic.
- Jack Foley: What's it mean?
- Hejira: The Hejira was Mohammed's flight from Mecca in 632. Brothers in Leavenworth gave me that name.
- Jack Foley: You were in Leavenworth?
- Hejira: For a time.
- Jack Foley: What's that mean?
- Hejira: Means, when the time came, I left.
- Jack Foley: You broke out?
- Hejira: I prefer to think of it as an exodus from an undesirable place.
- [last lines]
- Hejira: I was supposed to leave last night with the lady Marshall, but for some reason she wanted to wait.
- Jack Foley: She did, huh?
- Hejira: I guess it's cheaper taking two of us down there in one van.
- Jack Foley: Could be. Or maybe she thought we had a lot to talk about.
- Hejira: Really? Like what?
- Jack Foley: I don't know. Long ride to Florida...
- Jack Foley: So how long were you out before they grabbed you?
- Hejira: That time?
- Jack Foley: There were others?
- Hejira: Yeah, that was the ninth.
- Jack Foley: The *ninth*?