3 of 7 found this mild
Brief non-sexual rear nudity
3 of 4 found this severe
An American soldier is shot in the jaw and flesh and bone hangs out his mouth
Early in the film, an infantry hospital is seen where we see men with various wound some missing limbs.
Manning takes boots off a dead body because we wants a pair of boots not wet.
In the beginning of the push, multiple men are seen being killed by land mines including one man who screams in pain while missing his legs.
Soldiers are seen missing limbs and entire torsos with one body having the head next to what's left.
A dead body is seen with its arm barely hanging on.
There's a close up on a dead body with a bullet wound on his face.
Soldiers avoiding tank fire jump into water trying to get away and multiple bodies are seen in the water.
Many soldiers are killed in explosions ( some get there arms and legs blown off)
Many soldiers are shot (some blood)
2 of 3 found this moderate
Fuck is used 33 times, shit is used 17 times, damn is used 8 times 5 being goddamn, hell is used 4 times, bitch is used 3 times, and ass and its variations are used 10 times.
Lots of uses of f--k and s--t
1 of 2 found this mild
Some characters smoke cigarettes
1 of 3 found this moderate
There is a scene where a sympathetic character almost gets seen by the enemy
The beginning scene shows a graphically and gruesome wounded soldier who does not want to live and die