- John Myers: My uncle used to say that we like people for their qualities but we love them for their defects.
- [talking to Liz, re: his appearance]
- Hellboy: I wish I could do something about this. But I can't. But I can promise you two things. One: I'll always look this good.
- [Liz laughs]
- Hellboy: Two: I'll never give up on you... ever.
- Liz Sherman: I like that.
- Hellboy: Good.
- Abe Sapien: [while stitching up Hellboy's forearm] How long did he touch you?
- Hellboy: I don't know? About 5 seconds?
- Abe Sapien: [pulls three eggs out of his forearm] Touched you five seconds, laid three eggs.
- Hellboy: Didn't even buy me a drink.
- Hellboy: Hey Myers, you're a talker. What's a good word, a solid word for "need"?
- John Myers: Well, "need" is a good, solid word.
- Hellboy: Nah. Too needy.
- Hellboy: [carrying the torso of a re-animated corpse over his shoulder] How you doing back there, Ivan?
- Ivan Klimatovich: [in Russian] If I still had legs, I'd kick your ass!
- Hellboy: [to agent] Could you hold this guy for a while? He is so negative.
- [last lines]
- John Myers: "What makes a man a man?" a friend of mine once wondered. Is it his origins? The way he comes to life? I don't think so. It's the choices he makes. Not how he starts things, but how he decides to end them.
- Liz Sherman: In the dark I heard your voice, what did you say?
- Hellboy: I said, "Hey, you, on the other side - let her go. Because for her I will cross over, and then you'll be sorry!"
- Abe Sapien: Remind me why I do this again.
- Hellboy: Rotten eggs and the safety of mankind.
- Abe Sapien: Ah!
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: 1937: Hitler joins the Thule Society, a group of German aristocrats obsessed with the occult. In 1938, he acquired the spear of Longinus, which pierced the side of Christ. He who holds it becomes invincible. Hitler's power increases tenfold. 1943: President Roosevelt decides to fight back. The Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense is born. 1958: the Occult Wars finally come to an end with the death of Adolf Hitler.
- John Myers: 1945, you mean. Hitler died in '45.
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: [amused] Did he now?
- Kid on Rooftop: Just go down there and tell her how you feel.
- [Hellboy is silent]
- Kid on Rooftop: My mom always says...
- Hellboy: It's not... it's not that easy. Plus, you're nine. You're not old enough to be giving me advice.
- Abe Sapien: [about Sammael] Harbinger of Pestilence, Seed of Destr...
- Hellboy: Cut to the end, will ya? How do I kill it?
- Abe Sapien: Hmm, doesn't say.
- Abe Sapien: [after probing the sealed door] Behind this door, a dark entity. Evil, ancient and hungry.
- Hellboy: [sighs] Oh, well. Let me go in and say hi.
- [about his Rubik's Cube]
- Abe Sapien: Listen, I'm not much of a problem solver. Three decades... and I've only completed two sides.
- [Hellboy is going back to confront Behemoth]
- John Myers: Are you going to be... okay? Alone?
- Hellboy: How big can it be?
- [a tentacle grabs Hellboy and pulls him back]
- [spying on Liz and Myers]
- Hellboy: She took his picture. DAMN. She took his picture. She took his picture.
- [Clay examines his new hair implants]
- Agent Clay: This doesn't really look like doll's hair! Be honest, what do you think, Red?
- Hellboy: I'm thinking about doing it myself.
- [communicating on radio]
- Liz Sherman: Sparky to Big Red... do you read me? Over.
- Hellboy: Sparky? Who came up with that? Myers?
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: In the absence of light, darkness prevails. There are things that go bump in the night, Agent Myers. Make no mistake about that. And we are the ones who bump back.
- Grigori Rasputin: Open the final lock.
- [Hellboy moves to insert his stone hand into the second lock]
- John Myers: Remember who you are!
- [Meyers throws Professor Bruttenholm's rosary at Hellboy. He pauses]
- Grigori Rasputin: Believe me, I have lived long enough to know! Not a tear will be shed for this world!
- John Myers: You have a choice! Your father gave you that!
- Grigori Rasputin: No, you don't! There is no choice! Now, open it! DO IT!
- [Hellboy tears his horns off]
- Grigori Rasputin: What have you done?
- Hellboy: I CHOSE.
- [stabs Rasputin with his horns]
- Grigori Rasputin: You will never understand what kind of power you have.
- Hellboy: I guess I'll have to find some way to live with that.
- Hellboy: Are you okay?
- [manning nods weakly. Hellboy brings out a cigar and fires up his Zippo]
- Hellboy: You'd better stay here. I'll find a way out. We'll come back for you.
- Tom Manning: You call that thing a cigar?
- Hellboy: Yup.
- Tom Manning: You never, ever light a cigar that way.
- Tom Manning: [he digs out one of his fine cigars, cuts it and hands it to Hellboy] Use a wooden match. It preserves the flavor.
- Hellboy: [he lights it for him and Hellboy grins] Thank you.
- Tom Manning: [smiles] My job.
- John Myers: He doesn't want me with him. I know that much. He respects Clay, not me.
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: You're doing fine.
- John Myers: No, I'm not. Look, I'm really sorry, but I'm not your guy.
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: I'm dying, Agent Myers. Like any father, I worry about him.
- [pauses]
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: In medieval stories, there is often a young knight who is inexperienced, but pure of heart.
- John Myers: Oh, come on. I am not pure of heart.
- Abe Sapien: Yes, you are.
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: Rasputin is back for him. What I'm asking of you is to have the courage to stand by him when I am gone. He was born a demon; we can't change that. But you will help him, in essence, to become a man.
- Hellboy: Outside. I could be outside.
- Abe Sapien: You mean, outside with her.
- Hellboy: Don't get psychic with me, fella.
- Abe Sapien: Nothing psychic about it. You're easy.
- Hellboy: How am I gonna get a girl? I drive around in a garbage truck.
- Abe Sapien: Liz left us, Red. Take the hint.
- Hellboy: [picks up his gun] We don't take hints.
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: A 16-century statue was destroyed. Saint Dionysius the Areopagite.
- Hellboy: Who wards off demons.
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: The statue, however, was hollow.
- Hellboy: A reliquary?
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: A prison. The Vatican thought its occupant dangerous enough to include it on the list of Avignon, of which, by the way, we hold a copy.
- [Hellboy holds up a speed-loader of giant glass bullets]
- Hellboy: Perfect job for these babies. Made 'em myself. Holy water, clover leaf, silver shavings, white oak... the works.
- Tom Manning: [two government agents have died under Hellboy's command and Manning is displeased] You know what my problem with you is? You're reckless. Those two men trusted you to lead them as a team. Where were you?
- Hellboy: I knew those men better than you did.
- Tom Manning: Ah, I see. That makes it all right then.
- Hellboy: No, it doesn't make it all right, but I stopped that thing, didn't I?
- Tom Manning: Yeah, that's what you do. That's why we need you. You have an insight. You know monsters.
- Hellboy: What are you trying to say?
- Tom Manning: This whole thing is a farce, because in the end, after you've killed and captured every freak out there - there's still one left: you.
- Hellboy: [sighs and acts natural] Manning, I wish I could be more gracious, but...
- [furiously pulls a machine from off the floor, lifts it and heaves it in Manning's direction]
- Tom Manning: Let me tell you - let me tell you something about the Bureau of...
- Television Host: Paranormal Research and Defense.
- Tom Manning: ...of Paranormal Research and Defense: there is no such thing.
- [cut to BPRD headquarters in New Jersey]
- Grigori Rasputin: He disclosed to me the child's true name. Would you like to know it?
- Professor Trevor 'Broom' Bruttenholm: I already know what to call him. I call him "son".
- [nearby phone rings as Hellboy fights Sammael]
- Hellboy: IT'S FOR YOU!
- [Hellboy hits Sammuel with the phone]
- [holding a corpse by a noose over his shoulder]
- Hellboy: This is Ivan Klimatovich. Say hi, Ivan.
- Ivan Klimatovich: [in Russian] Go that way, Red Monkey!
- John Myers: Did you ever lose track of him?
- Hellboy: Well let's see - there was that moment, when I had the train on top of my head...
- Abe Sapien: [in a tank, to Liz] If there's trouble, all us freaks have is each other. And I'm stuck in here, so look after the big lug for me, will you?
- Abe Sapien: [as Hellboy walks away from Sammael's corpse] Red, you need to hear the rest of the information.
- Hellboy: Nah, he's taken care of.
- Abe Sapien: No, listen to this. Sammael, the Desolate One, Lord of the Shadows, Son of Nergal...
- [Hellboy starts to make "blah blah" motions with his hand]
- Abe Sapien: ...hound of resurrection.
- Hellboy: [stops] See, I don't like that.
- Abe Sapien: What? Hound of resurrection?
- Hellboy: [turns around; Sammael is gone] Mmm.
- [in a large cemetery, searching for Rasputin's mausoleum]
- Tom Manning: Where are you going?
- Hellboy: To ask for directions.
- [opens an amulet]
- Hellboy: Come on, find me a talker...