Rick Gomez credited as playing...
George Luz
- Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: I'm gonna say something.
- George Luz: To who?
- Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Lieutenant Winters!
- Richard Winters: What is it?
- Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Permission to speak, sir.
- Richard Winters: Granted.
- Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Sir, we got nine companies, sir.
- Richard Winters: We do.
- Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Well, how come we're the only one marching every Friday night, twelve miles, full pack, in the pitch dark?
- Richard Winters: Why do you think, Private Randleman?
- Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Lieutenant Sobel hates us, sir.
- Richard Winters: Lieutenant Sobel does not hate Easy Company, Private Randleman. He just hates you.
- Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Thank you, sir.
- George Luz: [imitating Gen. Maxwell Taylor] Now the thing to remember, boys... flies spread disease, so keep yours closed!
- [Easy Compagny is patrolling through the Bavarian woods]
- Frank Perconte: Hey, George.
- George Luz: Yeah?
- Frank Perconte: Kind of remind you of Bastogne?
- George Luz: Yeah, now that you mention it. Except, of course, there's no snow, we got warm grub in our bellies, and the trees aren't fucking exploding from Kraut artillery, but yeah... Frank... other than that, it's a lot like Bastogne.
- Frank Perconte: Right?
- George Luz: Bull, smack him for me please?
- [thump]
- George Luz: Thank you.
- George Luz: Hey Janovek, whatcha reading?
- John Janovek: An article.
- George Luz: No shit. What's it about?
- John Janovek: It's about why we're fighting the war.
- George Luz: Why are we fighting the war, Janovek?
- John Janovek: It appears the Germans are bad, very bad.
- George Luz: You don't say! The Germans are bad, huh?
- [Turns to Perconte]
- George Luz: Hey Frank, this guy is reading an article that says the Germans *are bad*.
- Alex Penkala: Joe got hit in the arm? New Year's Eve gift from the Luftwaffe.
- Ken Webb: Have a lot of you guys been injured?
- Sgt. Martin: It's called "wounded," Peanut. "Injured" is when you fall out of a tree or something.
- Warren Muck: Don't worry, there so much crap flying around, you're bound to get dinged sometime. Almost every one of these guys got hit at least once. Except for Ally, he's a two-timer. He landed on broken glass in Normandy, and got peppered by a potato masher. Now, Bull... he got a piece of exploding tank in Holland. Now George Luz here... has never been hit. You're one lucky bastard.
- George Luz: Takes one to know one, Skip.
- Warren Muck: Huh, considered us blessed. Now Leibgott, the skinny little guy? He got pinged in the neck in Holland. And right next to him, the other skinny little guy, that's Popeye. He got shot in his scrawny little butt in Normandy. And, uh, Buck got shot in his rather large butt in Holland.
- Alex Penkala: Yeah, kind of an Easy Company tradition, getting shot in the ass.
- Warren Muck: Hey, even First Sergeant Lipton there, he got a couple of pieces of a tank shell burst in Carentan. One chunk in the face, the other chunk nearly took out his nuts.
- Bill Guarnere: How are those nuts, Sarge?
- Carwood Lipton: They're doing fine, Bill. Nice of you to ask.
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: [the company is in formation at Camp Toccoa] You people are at the position of attention!
- [Sobel walks up to Perconte, who presents his rifle for inspection]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: Private Perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper?
- Frank Perconte: No, sir.
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: Then explain the creases at the bottom.
- Frank Perconte: [pause] No excuse, sir.
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: Volunteering for the parachute infantry is one thing, Perconte, but you've got a *long* way to prove that you belong here. Your weekend pass is revoked.
- [Sobel moves down the line to Luz]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: Name.
- George Luz: Luz, George.
- [he presents his rifle for inspection; Sobel examines it and tosses it back at him]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: Dirt in the rear sight aperture. Pass revoked.
- [Sobel moves down the line to Lipton]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: When did you sew on these chevrons, Sergeant Lipton?
- Carwood Lipton: Yesterday, sir.
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: [holding up a single thread] Long enough to notice this. Revoked.
- Carwood Lipton: Sir.
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: [Sobel moves on to Malarkey] Name.
- Donald Malarkey: Malarkey, Donald G.
- [he presents his rifle for inspection]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: Malarkey. Malarkey's slang for "bullshit," isn't it?
- Donald Malarkey: Yes, sir.
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: [Sobel examines Malarkey's rifle, then tosses it back at him] Rust on the buttplate hinge spring, Private Bullshit. Revoked.
- [Sobel moves on to Liebgott]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: Name.
- Joseph Liebgott: Liebgott, Joseph D., sir.
- [he presents his rifle for inspection]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: [Sobel pulls Liebgott's bayonet out of its sheath and examines it] Rusty bayonet, Liebgott. You wanna kill Germans?
- Joseph Liebgott: Yes, sir.
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: [Sobel hits Liebgott's helmet with the bayonet] Not with this.
- [he walks out in front of the company and holds the bayonet up for every man to see]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: I wouldn't take this rusty piece of shit to war, and I will not take *you* to war in your condition!
- [he thrusts the bayonet into the ground]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: Now, thanks to these men and their infractions, every man in the company who had a weekend pass... has lost it.
- [pause]
- Capt. Herbert Sobel: Change into your PT gear, we're running Currahee.
- George Luz: [imitating Maj. Horton] Is there a problem, Captain Sobel?
- Herbert Sobel: Who said that? Who broke silence?
- Edward Tipper: I think it's Major Horton, sir.
- Herbert Sobel: Major Horton? What... what is he... did he join us?
- Edward Tipper: I think, maybe, he's moving between platoons, sir.
- George Luz: What is the god-damn holdup, Mr. Sobel?
- Herbert Sobel: A fence, sir! Uh, God... barb wire fence.
- George Luz: Oh, that dog just ain't gonna hunt. Now, you cut that fence and get this goddamn platoon on the move.
- Alex Penkala: [about Buck] Don't do anything stupid? Who the hell is he talking to? A bunch of morons who volunteered to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Can you get any more stupid that that?
- George Luz: Probably not.
- David Webster: Sgt. Lipton, feeling all right?
- George Luz: He's got pneumonia.
- David Webster: Sorry to hear that.
- George Luz: Ah, what are you sorry about? He's alive, got a couch, a goddamn blanket. Snug as a bug.
- Frank Perconte: Hey Luz, can you do Major Horton?
- George Luz: [imitating Major Horton] Does a wild bear crap in the woods, son?
- [playing a game of darts]
- George Luz: Lieutenant, are you going to shoot lefty all night?
- Joe Toye: Hey, c'mon.
- George Luz: I'm just curious cause he's right-handed.
- 'Buck' Compton: [switches hands] George, what would I do without George Luz?
- George Luz: [Imitating Capt. Sobel] Are those dusty jump wings? How do you expect to slay the Huns with dust on your jump wings?
- Frank Perconte: Hey Luz, how far are we going?
- George Luz: Oh, Jesus, Frank, I don't know. Until they tell us to stop.
- Donald Hoobler: High ground. There's high ground up ahead.
- Frank Perconte: Okay, genius. Answer me this, then. How come Easy Company is the only company who's either at the front of an advance, or, like now, exposed at the far edge of the line?
- Donald Hoobler: To keep you on your toes.
- Frank Perconte: No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying, we're never in the middle. And we're the fifth of nine companies in this regiment. Able to Item. Think of it.