5 of 11 found this moderate
Several instances of sexual innuendo (including references to male genitalia, one-night stands and lesbianism) and several kisses (one is passionate). In a post-coitus scene, a shirtless man rolls off of a woman wearing a bra; we see the man in his boxers and the woman in her bra and panties as they get dressed. A man grabs a woman, pulls her onto the bed and begins kissing her. A man thrusts his hips and slaps his backside several times while dancing. A man picks up a toothbrush that has a used condom draping over it. We see several scantily clad women dancing and serving drinks in a strip club (we briefly glimpse one woman's bare buttocks; also, a customer asks a server for her underwear); we also see a woman wearing a bikini in a photography studio (during the scene, a man tells another woman she can undress for her pictures in a small room -- she presumably does not). In the background of a couple scenes we see magazine covers featuring scantily clad women. In a museum we see two paintings of bare-breasted women, one painting of a nude woman and a nude male statue.
2 of 3 found this mild
A man punches another in the face and slams him into a book shelf; also, one swings a laptop at the other. A man falls down some steps but isn't hurt and a woman pushes a man. A man accidentally steps on a dog's paw. A woman at a party begins losing consciousness, she's later discovered unconscious while leaning against a toilet, then she's taken to the hospital (where we learn her stomach has been pumped) and sleeps for quite a while afterwards; it's implied Rohypnol (the "date rape drug") was slipped into her drink. In a bar scene, we learn that a few men have slipped what they thought were Rohypnol pills into women's drinks (the pills were actually Gingko).We see blood on a man's forehead in a hospital waiting room. We see a newborn kitten enclosed in a membrane for awhile while two people cut it free.
2 of 6 found this moderate
2 uses of shit, 1 use of son of a bitch, fuck, hell, penis, sucks, blows, retard and damn.
One F-word, some anatomical and scatological references, two mild obscenities, and several insults.
4 of 4 found this moderate
Dora drinks two spiked drinks.
A lot of people are seen drinking at the nightclubs and college parties.
Three students in particular spend a lot of time spiking women's drinks with the date-rape drug (and then take advantage of them).
2 of 4 found this mild
When Dora drinks two drinks which turn out to be spiked, she nearly overdoses. Everything around her seems to speed up as she's O.D'ing. She nearly dies, but Paul rushes in and takes her to the hospital.