Harvey Keitel credited as playing...
Major Steve Arnold
- Major Steve Arnold: We handed Wilhelm Furtwängler over to the civil authorities and he was charged with serving the Nazi regime, with uttering anti-Semitic slurs, performing at an official Nazi Party function and with being a Prussian Privy Councillor. Dr. Furtwängler was acquitted. I didn't nail him. But I sure winged him. And I know I did the right thing... . Furtwängler resumed his career but he was never allowed to conduct in the United States. He died in 1954.
- Colonel Dymshitz: Let Furtwängler go. Please.
- Major Steve Arnold: I have a duty.
- Colonel Dymshitz: Duty? I am sorry, duty? Duty f***ing duty. Trouble is, you Americans want everybody to live like you. We liberated Berlin, Major Steve, not you. Our duty also is to bring back the best of German culture.
- Major Steve Arnold: I'm gonna get that f***ing bandleader, Colonel. No deal. No f***ing deal.