Sarah Silverman credited as playing...
Alison Kaiser
- Alison Kaiser: Gil, none of the women were invited to the paintball game, and we'd like to know why.
- Gil: Well, darn it, so would I!
- Alison Kaiser: You organized the game.
- Gil: I'm not sure that's true... Uh, Doris, would you find out who organized the paintball game and why the ladies weren't invited?
- Dottie: You're talking into a humidor.
- Gil: Doris, what happened to my intercom?
- Dottie: There IS no Doris!
- Gil: Uh... Edna! Would you find out what happened to Doris?
- [talking about supporting Greg The Bunny's interest in the Pupish Movement]
- Jimmy: Hey, why don't you guys give him a break? Instead of stabbing him in the back, why don't you try showing him a little support in the front? Lets face it, humans have been mistreating puppets for centuries. It's nothing new. We lure them to our country with the tartar sauce, and the lollipops, and the empty promises of sparklers which I believe are yet unfulfilled. Tardy, you got your sparklers?
- Tardy: I'm tough but nice.
- Jimmy: Yea that's what I thought! And then we go and trade their hides for, you know, cheap whiskey during the war of the roses.
- Dottie: Is that true?
- Count Blah: No
- Jimmy: We had them build our airplanes and our suspension bridges and our jet packs and our race cars, but can you name me one puppet that's ever taken home the trophy at the Minneapolis 500? I dare ya. Can ya? No!
- Alison Kaiser: I understood the pupish better.
- Gil: Tardy, how do you feel about Alison?
- Tardy: I love Alison!
- Alison Kaiser: Tardy, how do you feel about ashtrays?
- Tardy: ...I love ashtrays!