Lena Olin credited as playing...
Irina Derevko
- Irina: I see through you. You must know that.
- Sloane: This is who I am.
- Irina: You may need to think of yourself as an honorable husband, a father figure. But I don't. I will never see that man in you, which frankly is why we have this agreement.
- Sloane: You need to get some rest.
- Irina: Never talk to me about your love for Sydney again.
- Irina: [Sydney is confronted by her mother for the first time since she was six] I've waited almost thirty years for this... You must have known this day would come. I could have prevented all this, of course... You were so small when you were born. It would have been so easy... Tell me... Sydney... Who sent you here? You must tell me.
- Sydney: Or what? I'm grounded?
- [Irina shoots Sydney in the shoulder]
- Irina: Tell you what. Think about it. I'll come back and ask you again.
- Irina: I remember the first time you introduced me to Sloane. You were both working at the CIA, he came to the house for dinner. You were true friends.
- Jack: Yes. We shared a similar unsentimental patriotism... and a devotion to our wives. But Sloane changed and... it was Rambaldi that did it. I'm not sure what it is - he never told me - but Sloane has a personal connection to Rambaldi.
- Irina: I lived for years with the same obsession, to find a higher meaning in Rambaldi's work. I never understood how you managed to avoid getting caught up in it.
- Jack: I had something neither of you did.
- Irina: Sydney.
- Vaughn: You asked me some questions. I told you I'd answer them if you helped me. You did help me. And I thank you for that.
- Irina: I didn't do it for you.
- Vaughn: I'm trying to live a normal life... which was always hard, given what I do. But it's gotten harder since I met your daughter. It's not that knowing her hasn't made my life better. It has. But it's also made it that much worse... I think I've said enough.
- Irina: The problem, Mr. Vaughn... Is that to the one person who matters... You haven't said anything at all.
- Vaughn: Listen, this may not mean anything to you, this may not be something you understand, or appreciate, but we have rules. Very clear, important rules that govern the relationship between a handler and his asset.
- Irina: And between a man and a woman?
- Irina: [Vaughn has come to ask a favor of Irina] Tell me how you feel about my daughter.
- Vaughn: That's none of your business.
- Irina: Are you in love with her?
- Vaughn: I don't know why that matters.
- Irina: [cutting him off] I don't have the advantage of observing casual behavior... I'm curious.
- Vaughn: Help me... and I'll tell you what you want to know.
- Irina: There were times when the illusion of our marriage was as powerful for me as it was for you.
- Irina: I'll tell you what you need to know.
- Sydney: Get off the ledge NOW!
- Irina: Sloane believes he's been chosen to realize the word of Rambaldi. But you, too, have been chosen.
- Sydney: If you think I'm bluffing...
- Irina: It's you in the prophecy, Sydney, not me. Only you can stop him. Good luck, sweetheart.
- Sydney: Get down now!
- Irina: I love you.