71 of 129 found this mild
A women is held up in the air and her clothes are ripped off. Her breasts are briefly shown as her skin is also ripped off her body, killing her.
A group of nurses wear low cut dresses that reveal some cleavage.
89 of 105 found this severe
We hear someone being tortured in another room. (This is from a hallucination)
During one scene, a woman is grabbed by the chest and has her skin ripped off before the skin is thrown at other characters (the skinless body is seen briefly). Very graphic
Horror violence, violent, especially during the climax. Some sequences (climax in-particular) contain particularly intense moments that will made the audience jump.
A nude monster is seen burning, breasts/genitalia are not visible.
Several masked men beat up a police officer with a metal pipe. Some blood is shown.
A man is stabbed in the throat from behind. We do not see the stabbing because of the camera angle.
A group of people walk into a room and it is implied that they see a man hanging, from the camera angle all that can be seen is the man's shoes.
Two women are approached by a human-like form. Upon being shot, black blood spurts from it which is acidic and burns objects.
A woman's eyes start bleeding. We only see this for 2-3 seconds at most.
45 of 82 found this moderate
The dad uses the word God d***it at least once.
5 F-words, 4 scatological terms,
51 of 81 found this mild
A man drinks alcohol.
67 of 83 found this severe
A very creepy and unsettling film with scenes of sadistic violence.