Darla and Barry throw a bottle of wine on the door in Tim's apartment. In the next shot the mess from the wine has disappeared.
When Mueller first appears, his eye color is blue like his wife's. However, when he reappears at the dinner party, his eye color changes to brown.
When Barry is working on his mice near the end of the film, he takes off his glasses to put on the magnifying "helmet". When he raises the magnifying part, he is wearing his glasses again.
During the mental "fight" between Barry and Therman at the dinner, Therman reaches down and grabs an imaginary "weapon" from the front of Robin's purple dress. When Therman throws this imaginary weapon at Barry and Barry deflects it, Barry is now standing next to Robin, in the same place that Therman threw it from.
When Tim proposes outside the gallery. Julie's earring disappears and reappears between shots.
Barry's Vincent Van Gogh mouse has the wrong ear bandaged.
When Barry first arrives at Tim's apartment, Tim calls his girlfriends cell. When he realizes that she left her phone at home, he hangs up, and her ringer ends right away. In actuality, the ring would continue for a few more seconds.
When Barry enters the pond on Kieran's farm, his pants show a water line where they are wet from entering the water more than once.
When Barry Sneaks into Keirens apartment, and the cat comes and takes the mouse out of Barry's front pocket, Barry tells Tim " The Cats got the Tim Mouse". Instead of "The Cats got the Mouse, Tim.
The point of the dinner is to see who can present the biggest 'idiot' to the other guests. So Tim brings Barry and Caldwell brings Therman.
However, Therman's mind control act only serves to progressively make Barry seem more of an idiot than Therman, which defeats the object of the competition (as Caldwell will never win if the result of Therman's idiocy is to make Barry appear more of an idiot than himself).
However, Therman's mind control act only serves to progressively make Barry seem more of an idiot than Therman, which defeats the object of the competition (as Caldwell will never win if the result of Therman's idiocy is to make Barry appear more of an idiot than himself).
After Therman makes a fool out of Barry, Tim finally confesses to Barry the point of the evening (a competition to find the biggest idiot). Then feeling genuinely sorry for him, he consoles Barry by telling him that Therman will probably win first prize (i.e. as the biggest idiot) and tells him 'You are better than him' (in the sense of not as idiotic).
However, he then tells him how to win the competition by being even more of an idiot by lying to him. Tim cannot feel compassion for Barry while simultaneously tricking him into unwittingly acting as the biggest idiot in the eyes of the others.
However, he then tells him how to win the competition by being even more of an idiot by lying to him. Tim cannot feel compassion for Barry while simultaneously tricking him into unwittingly acting as the biggest idiot in the eyes of the others.