I realize that everyone has an inherent right to express their own opinion. And, I guess if you don't like Sons & Daughters, you really don't like it. My concern is that Mr. Goss and Mr. Holly are pioneers in the wasteland of current, every-shows-a-reality-show network television. As such, they are bound to present new and heretofore unexperienced moments in television watching. History teaches us that we, as a species, fear the unknown. Therefore, we really don't want to know about it at all, let alone experience it. But, Fred and Nick are giving it to us anyway. And it's wonderful. If you read the ABC blog and the IMDb boards, the show is cultivating a base of excited, open-minded individuals thankful, ecstatic even, for the fresh, new and exciting television brought to viewers by Sons & Daughters. For those afraid of television that breaks the formula, I beg you to give it another chance. Keep an open mind. If we didn't have pioneers, would the west have been settled? Would Hollywood have been built? Would television have been born? And even if you still hate Sons & Daughters, perhaps you could allow for the fact that this show may just open the door for a whole new format of network situation comedy or dramedy, as the case may be. And you may just fall in love with those shows looming in the not-to-distant television future. Subsequently, you would have Fred Goss and Nick Holly to thank for your future favorite flavor of network TV. So, try to set aside your ignorance and your fear and embrace the new and the unknown as the catalysts to positive change. And, in those regards, in the here-and-now, give Sons & Daughers a chance. (This goes for you, too, ABC!)